What Our Candidates Need To Know
Here’s how it works… You contact us as we are the best agency to help you with your search. We can meet you in your lunch hour close to work, we can telephone interview you, we can skype interview you out of business hours or you can visit our office in a relaxed environment. We are flexible and understand how difficult it can be to leave work to attend an interview. This is your chance to tell us exactly what you are looking for and we will advise you on the best way forward.
For specific job vacancies, depending on your suitability we will talk to our clients about you and arrange interviews on your behalf. Before you meet with any of our clients we will talk you through each role in exhaustive detail, guide you through the interview process and tell you all you need to know about the client and their company. We will never send your CV to a client without your express permission.
Once you’ve registered with Insuranceforce Recruitment; by sending in your CV and engaging in an interview, you will begin receiving e-mailed notification of job vacancies. If you see a vacancy that interests you, email us direct or upload a new CV. We strongly recommend that you also tell us how your experience, skills and accomplishments demonstrate a strong fit to the brief and the client’s situation. Be concise, and as specific as possible – this is your best opportunity to market your skills to us and our clients.
At Insuranceforce Recruitment we will always endeavour to keep in regular contact with our candidates and will help them find the right job that fits their skills, experience and aspirations. Our life choices can help us feel good about ourselves…